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Crowns and Veneers

Crowns are an excellent restorative solution to badly damaged teeth due to injury or decay.

They are also an aesthetic treatment option to help improve the overall look of your teeth and smile and as one of the options to cover discoloured teeth if internal bleaching is not an option.

Veneers are also a great cosmetic treatment. They are a minimally invasive option for closing gaps or disguising discoloured teeth that did not respond well to whitening procedures. Veneers can achieve really excellent improvements in alignment of colour and size of teeth and result in a huge difference in the overall appearance of your smile with minimal intervention.

What is a Crown and when is a Crown used as a treatment?

crowns-and-veneers-img-4Dental crowns can be used to restore the shape, colour and function of teeth that are badly broken or very heavily restored with fillings.

Crowns are generally among the longest lasting restorations and if looked after properly can provide an excellent aesthetic option as a protective treatment or as a cosmetic treatment.

Crowns help to strengthen the overall tooth and filling arrangement.

They are also used to protect teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, and as the final treatment on top of a dental implant.

Dental crowns can be made from porcelain bonded to metal, all ceramic crowns or porcelain/zirconium crowns.

Crowns are constructed to mimic the natural tooth and the colour/shade will be matched to the natural colour/shade of your teeth.

What does the process of making a Crown involve?



This usually involves two visits to the dentist.

During the first visit the dental surgeon will file down some of your tooth structure on the chewing surface so that the sides of the crown can then fit over the tooth. This is called crown preparation.

A mould impression/recording will then be taken of this prepared tooth for a crown to be made to fit your tooth. A colour match to your own personal shade will also be made.

At Royal Dental Clinic we carefully select the Laboratories we partner with in order to ensure that the latest laser and digital technology is adopted and used to ensure the most accurately shaped and best aesthetic looking crowns are created for you.

A temporary crown will be prepared and fitted for you at the initial preparation visit while your permanent crown is being made by the specialist laboratory and specially finished by a technician.

Your second appointment will take place approximately two/three weeks later. At this visit the dental surgeon will fit and finish your crown so that it looks and feels perfect for you.

What are Veneers and when are they used as a treatment?

Veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made laminates that are bonded to the surface of the teeth.

Although they can be made from many different materials, most often porcelain is used because of its durability and aesthetic appearance.

Veneers require minimal preparation of the tooth itself as only a very small amount of the enamel needs to be removed (approx. 0.5mm) compared to other cosmetic dental procedures.

The finish of a veneer can make the teeth look natural and healthy.

What does the process of a Veneer involve?

Like with Crowns the treatment involves two visits with a dental surgeon.

At your first visit the dental surgeon will take and impression and match the colour with your own teeth colour and fit a temporary veneer.

At your second visit the dental surgeon will fit the custom made veneer and finish it in the clinic to create the perfect look for you.

As with our Crowns we carefully select the Laboratories we partner with to craft our veneers in order to ensure that the latest laser and digital technology is adopted and the best materials are used to ensure the most accurate shape and aesthetic look is created for you.

Find Out More

If you would like more information about our crowns and veneers please call us on 01 0000 or email us your query at and one of our dental surgeons will call you back.